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Citing Sources

Give credit where credit is due!


It is plagiarism to use someone else's intellectual property without giving them credit for it. This includes quotes, pictures, videos, podcasts, songs, drawings... the list goes on. You wouldn't want someone to take your work and make it seem like their own, would you? No way! 


What results from plagiarism? In high school, probably a failing grade, a mandatory redo, or perhaps disciplinary action. In college, students can be expelled for academic dishonesty, which includes plagiarism. In the professional world, plagiarizing can cost people their jobs, ruining their careers, reputations, and credibility.


Check out this video explaining plagiarism and how to avoid plagiarizing:






The good news is that it is easier than ever to properly cite the sources you use in your work. 


These websites will generate citations for you if you input just a few pieces of information: 

Citation Machine

Cite This For Me

Easy Bib (requires an account, but it's free.)


These web resources will help you create your own citations from formats. These are great for when you are working with an unusual source.

Purdue OWL

MLA Style Center

APA Style Tools

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